Strategic and Operational HR Development

Stategic human resource development has become imperative in of the 4th Industrial Revolution.



It’s about people, not resources – shifting the metaphor from things to people.

Ultimately, Rescript Consulting aims at shifting each organisation’s metaphor regarding people that partners with us.  We aim to shift away from human resource management (we manage things and resources) to human leadership (humans aren’t resources or things – they’re people!).  Having said that, we still need intelligent systems, policies and procedures to ensure that resources, and people, are treated with due respect and dignity, while the business is also successful.  

Rescript Consulting has developed a thorough Strategic HR arsenal to help each organisation develop their human resource function sensibly:

As a result, Rescript Consulting will provide detailed information regarding the following 4 main dimensions of your HR system:

1. Organizational design

2. HR Planning

3. Recruitment process and pipeline

4. Selection of candidates

5. Employee Value Proposition

6. Onboarding process

7. Performance management and
appraisal process

8.Engagement strategy

9. Diversity management
10. Training and development

11. Health, safety and security

12.Management development

13.Leadership development

14. Compensation and benefits

15. Documentation


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